When Jesus establishes a relationship with you and shows you that He’s there for you, that He is present with you, because He showed up in that situation and blessed you in a way that no one else could do, He will do it again!
Why? Because He is faithful. Not only that, He loves you so much that He overlooked and covered some of your issues that could have had tremendous consequences.
You know it's Him.
He'll never change.
He'll do it again!
Do what?
What you need.
What's right.
What's good!
But, you know what's different now? You are really getting to know this now. You're concentrating more on His presence. You are thinking about Him more and seeing things in the LIGHT of His wisdom and presence. You remember that God is with you no matter what.
God IS faithful! He's faithful! Like NO other! If He’s done it once, He’ll do it again.
God will take that messed up situation and turn it out for good.
That’s what He said. And that’s what He does.
He’ll take a mess and work ALL through it and shelter you from the storm.
He will protect you, and wants YOU to have Joy and Peace.
He will show you that He loves you. He loves you. He loves you.
I’m a living witness (as they say), I’m a living witness!
